Do You Put Oregano on Pizza Before or After?

Pizza is a beloved dish enjoyed by people all over the world. Its crispy crust, flavorful sauce, and delicious toppings make it a go-to option for many.

One common question that arises when it comes to pizza toppings is the placement of oregano. Should it be added before or after the pizza is cooked?

The placement of oregano on pizza, whether before or after cooking, is a matter of personal preference. Adding it before baking allows for infused flavors, while adding it after provides freshness and intense taste. Experiment with both methods to find your preferred approach and elevate your pizza experience.

In this article, we will explore this debate and provide insights into when and how to use oregano to enhance your pizza experience.

Also read: How to use oregano in cooking

What Is Oregano?

Oregano is an aromatic herb that belongs to the mint family. It is commonly used in Mediterranean and Italian cuisines.

With its distinct flavor and fragrance, oregano adds a touch of herbaceousness to dishes and is often used as a seasoning in various recipes, including pizza.

With a distinct and robust flavor, oregano adds a touch of herbaceousness to dishes, enhancing their taste and aroma.

What Does Oregano Taste Like?

Oregano has a distinct and robust flavor profile. It is often described as earthy, slightly bitter, and with hints of citrus and mint.

The taste of oregano can vary depending on the variety and whether it is fresh or dried. Overall, it adds a flavorful and aromatic punch to dishes, enhancing their taste and aroma.

Oregano possesses a complex flavor that combines earthiness with subtle bitterness. Its taste is reminiscent of the Mediterranean, with hints of citrus and mint dancing on the palate. When used in cooking, oregano releases its aromatic oils, infusing dishes with a distinct herbal essence.

Whether dried or fresh, oregano adds depth and character to a wide range of recipes, from pasta sauces to roasted vegetables. Its versatility and ability to harmonize with other ingredients make it a beloved herb in Mediterranean and Italian cuisines.

The Role of Oregano in Pizza

Pizza, oregano, and other Italian spices – seems like a lovely combination right? Well, yes, it’s delicious!

Oregano plays a vital and multifaceted role in enhancing the overall flavor profile of pizza. This aromatic herb has the power to transform an ordinary pizza into a culinary delight. It acts as a flavorful companion, complementing the other ingredients and adding depth to the taste experience.

With its earthy and slightly bitter notes, oregano brings a harmonizing balance to the richness of cheese and the natural sweetness of tomato sauce. It acts as a bridge, connecting the flavors together and creating a cohesive symphony of tastes.

The herb’s distinctive flavor acts as a contrast, cutting through the richness and adding a layer of complexity to each bite.

Not only does oregano provide its own unique taste, but it also has the ability to enhance the flavors of the other ingredients. It heightens the savory notes of cheese, amplifies the tanginess of the tomato sauce, and complements the aromatic herbs and spices that may be present in the pizza.

Oregano’s presence on a pizza is not merely for visual appeal; it serves a fundamental purpose in elevating the overall taste experience. It brings a touch of herbaceousness that awakens the palate and creates a delightful interplay of flavors.

Without oregano, a pizza may feel incomplete, lacking that special ingredient that takes it from good to exceptional.

In summary, oregano’s role in pizza is indispensable. Its ability to complement and enhance the other ingredients, its earthy and slightly bitter notes that provide balance, and its overall contribution to the flavor profile make it an essential component of a delicious pizza.

Next time you enjoy a slice, take a moment to appreciate the power of oregano and how it elevates your pizza experience to new heights.

Adding Oregano Before Baking

One popular approach to using oregano on pizza is to sprinkle it on the dough before baking. By doing so, the herb gets infused into the pizza, releasing its flavors during the cooking process.

This method allows the oregano to meld with the other ingredients, creating a harmonious blend of tastes.

Benefits of Adding Oregano Before Baking

  • Even Distribution: Adding oregano before baking ensures that the herb is evenly distributed across the pizza, ensuring consistent flavor in every bite.
  • Infused Flavors: The heat of the oven helps release the essential oils in oregano, intensifying its flavors and infusing them into the pizza.
  • Aromatics: As the oregano heats up, it releases its aromatic compounds, filling the kitchen with a delightful scent that adds to the overall experience.

Adding Oregano After Baking

Alternatively, some pizza enthusiasts prefer to add oregano as a finishing touch after the pizza is baked.

This method allows for a more pronounced herb flavor and aroma since the oregano is not subjected to high heat during the cooking process.

Benefits of Adding Oregano After Baking

  • Freshness: Adding oregano after baking retains its freshness and vibrant green color, creating an appealing visual contrast against the pizza’s toppings.
  • Intense Flavor: Adding oregano after baking provides a stronger and more distinct flavor, as the herb’s natural oils remain unaltered by the heat.
  • Customization: Adding oregano as a finishing touch allows individuals to adjust the amount of herb based on personal preference, tailoring the taste to their liking.

Experimenting with Oregano Placement

Ultimately, the decision of when to add oregano to pizza depends on personal taste preferences. Some people enjoy the nuanced flavors achieved by baking oregano, while others prefer the bolder taste when added after baking.

Feel free to experiment with both methods to discover which one suits your palate best.

Other Seasoning Options for Pizza

While oregano is a classic choice for seasoning pizza, there are other herbs and spices that can be used to enhance the flavor further. Basil, thyme, rosemary, and garlic powder are popular options that can be combined with or substituted for oregano to create a unique and personalized pizza experience.

Tips for Using Oregano on Pizza

  • Use dried oregano for better distribution and to prevent the herb from burning during baking.
  • Crush the dried oregano between your fingers before sprinkling it onto the pizza to release its aromatic oils.
  • Consider combining oregano with other herbs and spices for a more complex flavor profile.
  • Be mindful of the quantity of oregano used, as it can overpower the other flavors if used excessively.

Oregano Varieties for Pizza

When it comes to choosing oregano for your pizza, there are several varieties available. Mediterranean oregano and Italian oregano are widely used in pizza-making due to their robust flavor profiles. Mexican oregano, on the other hand, offers a slightly different taste, with hints of citrus and mild spice. Experimenting with different oregano varieties can add a new dimension to your pizza creations.


In conclusion, the question of whether to put oregano on pizza before or after cooking is a matter of personal preference. Adding oregano before baking allows for even distribution and infused flavors, while adding it after baking provides freshness and intense taste.

Experiment with both methods to find your preferred approach and consider exploring other seasoning options to create unique pizza flavors. Remember, pizza is a versatile dish, and oregano is just one of the many ways to enhance its taste.


  1. Should I use fresh or dried oregano for pizza? Both fresh and dried oregano can be used for pizza, but dried oregano is more commonly used due to its concentrated flavor and easier distribution.
  2. Can I use oregano on other types of pizza, such as margherita or pepperoni? Absolutely! Oregano is a versatile herb that pairs well with various pizza toppings, including margherita, pepperoni, and more.
  3. What other herbs can I use in combination with oregano on pizza? Basil, thyme, rosemary, and garlic powder are popular herbs that can be combined with oregano to enhance the flavor of your pizza.
  4. Can I use fresh oregano instead of dried oregano on pizza? Fresh oregano can be used, but keep in mind that it has a milder flavor compared to dried oregano. Adjust the quantity accordingly to achieve the desired taste.
  5. Where can I find different varieties of oregano for pizza? You can find different oregano varieties, such as Mediterranean, Italian, and Mexican, in well-stocked grocery stores, specialty food markets, or online spice retailers.