cinnamon and cumin

Cumin vs cinnamon: what’s the difference?

Cumin and cinnamon are two popular spices that are commonly used in cooking and baking around the world. While they may look similar and share a warm, aromatic scent, their flavor profiles and culinary uses are quite different.

Cumin is a seed from a plant in the parsley family, and it has a warm, earthy, and slightly bitter taste that is commonly used in savory dishes like chili, curry, and tacos.

On the other hand, cinnamon is a sweet spice made from the inner bark of a tree, and it has a sweet and warm flavor with hints of spiciness that are commonly used in sweet dishes like cinnamon rolls, apple pies, and oatmeal.

Understanding the differences between cumin and cinnamon can help home cooks to use them more effectively in their dishes and to experiment with new flavors in their cooking.

This blog post explains the differences between cinnamon and cumin and shares tips on how to use each when cooking and baking.

What is cumin?

Cumin is a spice that comes from the seed of a plant in the parsley family. It is native to the eastern Mediterranean and is now widely cultivated in many parts of the world, including India, Iran, and Mexico.

Cumin seeds have a warm, earthy, and slightly bitter taste, and they are commonly used in a variety of cuisines, including Mexican, Indian, Middle Eastern, and North African.

Cumin is a small seed that is elongated and oval-shaped. It is about 4-5 mm in length and has a ridged surface with a yellowish-brown color. The seeds are usually sold whole or ground into a powder, and they have a distinctive aroma that is warm and aromatic.

Cumin is a versatile spice that can be used in both whole seed form or ground form, and it is often used in spice blends like curry powder, garam masala, and chili powder.

In addition to its culinary uses, cumin has also been used for its medicinal properties for centuries, and it is believed to have digestive, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant benefits.

What does cumin taste like?

Cumin has a distinctive flavor that is warm, earthy, and slightly bitter. It is a popular spice that is widely used in cuisines around the world, particularly in Mexican, Indian, Middle Eastern, and North African dishes.

When cumin seeds are toasted or heated, their aroma intensifies, and their flavor becomes more pronounced.

The taste of cumin is complex, with layers of flavors that include a slightly nutty and smoky quality, as well as a subtle sweetness. Some people describe the taste of cumin as being similar to caraway, but with a deeper and more pungent flavor.

Cumin is often used in spice blends like curry powder, chili powder, and garam masala, where it adds depth and complexity to the overall flavor profile.

It is also commonly used in savory dishes like stews, soups, and roasted vegetables, where its warm and earthy flavor pairs well with other spices like coriander, turmeric, and paprika.

Overall, cumin has a bold and distinctive flavor that adds depth and richness to a wide range of dishes. Whether used in its whole seed form or ground into a powder, cumin is a versatile spice that can be used in many different ways to enhance the flavor of your favorite foods.

What is cinnamon?

Cinnamon is a sweet and aromatic spice that is made from the inner bark of trees from the genus Cinnamomum. It is native to Sri Lanka and southern India, but is now widely cultivated in many tropical regions around the world, including Indonesia, Vietnam, and Madagascar.

The spice has a warm, sweet and slightly spicy flavor, and a delicate aroma that makes it a popular ingredient in many cuisines and baked goods.

Cinnamon is available in two main forms: as whole sticks or quills that can be ground or used whole, and as a ground powder.

Cinnamon sticks are made from rolled and dried pieces of the inner bark of the Cinnamomum tree. They are about 10 cm in length and have a reddish-brown color with a textured surface.

Cinnamon sticks can be used whole in hot drinks like tea or apple cider, or they can be grated or ground to add flavor to dishes like oatmeal or baked goods.

Ground cinnamon is made from finely ground pieces of cinnamon sticks and has a dark brown color with a fine, powdery texture. It is commonly used in sweet dishes like apple pies, cinnamon rolls, and French toast, and it can also be used to add flavor to savory dishes like curries and stews.

It is commonly used in sweet dishes such as apple pies, cinnamon rolls, and oatmeal, as well as in savory dishes such as curries, soups, and stews.

In addition to its culinary uses, cinnamon has also been used for its medicinal properties for centuries and is believed to have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant benefits.

Cinnamon has a long and fascinating history, and it has been prized by many cultures throughout the ages. It was once considered a luxury item and was used as a form of currency in ancient Egypt, and it was also used as a medicinal herb in traditional Chinese medicine.

Today, cinnamon remains a beloved spice that adds warmth and depth to many dishes and is enjoyed by people all around the world.

What does cinnamon taste like?

Cinnamon has a sweet and warm flavor with hints of spiciness. Its taste can be described as slightly sweet, woody, and warm, with a delicate aroma that is both comforting and inviting.

When used in small amounts, cinnamon can add a subtle sweetness to dishes, while in larger quantities, it can provide a more pronounced spicy flavor.

Cinnamon is a versatile spice that is commonly used in sweet dishes, such as baked goods, desserts, and beverages, but it can also be used in savory dishes, such as curries, stews, and marinades.

Its warm and sweet flavor pairs well with other spices, such as nutmeg, cloves, and cardamom, as well as with ingredients like apples, pumpkin, and chocolate.

There are several types of cinnamon available, each with its own unique flavor profile.

Ceylon cinnamon, also known as true cinnamon, is known for its delicate and slightly sweet taste, while Cassia cinnamon, the more common variety, has a stronger and spicier flavor.

Vietnamese and Indonesian cinnamon are also popular varieties with distinct flavor profiles.

Overall, cinnamon has a sweet and warm taste that adds a comforting and familiar flavor to many dishes. Its versatility and distinct flavor have made it a beloved spice around the world.

Does cumin taste like cinnamon?

No, cumin does not taste like cinnamon. Cumin has a warm, earthy, and slightly bitter flavor, while cinnamon has a sweet and warm flavor with hints of spiciness.

They have distinct flavor profiles and are used in different cuisines and dishes.

Cumin vs cinnamon

Although both cumin and cinnamon have a pleasant, aromatic perfume and a similar appearance, their flavors and culinary applications couldn’t be more different.

Many savory meals would be incomplete without the use of cumin, while cinnamon is typically reserved for desserts.

Home cooks who have a firm grasp on the distinctions between these two spices will be more equipped to use them in their meals and try out novel taste combinations.

So how are cinnamon and cumin used differently?

Cinnamon and cumin are used very differently in cooking and baking.

Cumin is primarily used in savory dishes and is a staple ingredient in many spice blends used in Mexican, Indian, Middle Eastern, and North African cuisines.

It is commonly used in dishes like chili, curry, and tacos, and is also used to season roasted vegetables and meat dishes.

Cumin seeds can be toasted and ground to release their full flavor, or they can be used whole in dishes like rice or soups to add texture and flavor.

On the other hand, cinnamon is primarily used in sweet dishes like baked goods, desserts, and breakfast foods. It is used in dishes like cinnamon rolls, apple pies, and oatmeal, and can also be used to add flavor to hot drinks like coffee and tea.

Cinnamon is often used in combination with other spices like nutmeg and cloves to create warm and comforting flavors in desserts and baked goods.

The bottom line is that cumin is more commonly used in cooking whereas cinnamon is used more for baking.

Can you use cumin for baking?

While cumin is typically used in savory dishes, it can be used in baking in certain circumstances. Cumin has a warm and earthy flavor that pairs well with other spices like coriander and turmeric, and it can add depth and complexity to baked goods like bread, crackers, and savory pastries.

To use cumin in baking, it is best to start with a small amount and add more as needed to achieve the desired flavor.

Whole cumin seeds can be toasted and ground into a powder before being added to baked goods, or they can be added whole to dough or batter for added texture and flavor.

Some examples of baked goods that use cumin include savory breads like focaccia and naan, crackers and flatbreads, and savory pastries like empanadas and samosas.

Cumin can also be used in combination with other spices like cinnamon and nutmeg to create unique flavor combinations in baked goods.

While cumin may not be a traditional ingredient in baking, it can be a versatile spice that adds depth and complexity to a wide range of dishes.


In conclusion, cumin and cinnamon are two popular spices with very different flavor profiles and culinary uses.

Cumin has a warm, earthy, and slightly bitter taste that is commonly used in savory dishes like chili, curry, and tacos, while cinnamon has a sweet and warm flavor with hints of spiciness, and is most often used in sweet dishes like baked goods, desserts, and breakfast foods.

Cumin is a staple spice in many spice blends used in Mexican, Indian, Middle Eastern, and North African cuisines, while cinnamon is commonly used in combination with other sweet spices in desserts and baked goods.

While both spices can be used in certain savory and sweet dishes, they are not typically used interchangeably due to their distinct flavor profiles.

Understanding the differences between cumin and cinnamon can help home cooks to use them more effectively in their dishes and to experiment with new flavors in their cooking.

By using these spices appropriately, home cooks can enhance the flavor of their favorite dishes and create new and exciting flavor combinations.