Unlocking the Potential of Fruit Peels: Creative Uses You May Not Have Known

Fruit peels often end up in the trash or compost, but these often overlooked parts of fruit are surprisingly versatile and packed with potential.

Instead of throwing them away, consider the following innovative uses for fruit peels. Not only will you cut down on waste, but youโ€™ll also discover the multifunctional benefits of these organic wonders.

So, if you never know what to do with orange peels, mango peels or even banana peel, keep reading to find out some interesting uses.

Natural Cleaners

Lemon and orange peels contain citrus oils which are effective natural cleansers. You can make a simple cleaner by filling a jar with white vinegar and adding the peels.

Let it sit for a couple of hours or a day, then strain and use it as an all-purpose cleaner. The acidic properties help cut through grease and grime.

Best fruit peels for natural cleaners:

  1. Lemon Peels: Undoubtedly one of the most popular peels for cleaning purposes, lemon peels offer a refreshing citrus scent and possess antibacterial properties. Theyโ€™re particularly effective for cleaning and shining surfaces, especially metals like brass and copper.
  2. Orange Peels: Just like lemons, oranges have d-limonene in their peels which acts as a natural solvent. This makes them effective in cutting through greasy surfaces. Plus, their sweet citrus scent provides a pleasant aroma for any space.
  3. Grapefruit Peels: Slightly sweeter and less acidic than lemons, grapefruit peels are great for creating an all-purpose cleaner that’s a bit milder but still efficient.
  4. Lime Peels: With a strong and distinct citrusy aroma, lime peels can be used in areas where you want a lasting fresh scent. Lime is also naturally antibacterial and antiviral.
  5. Mandarin/Tangerine Peels: These citrus peels can be used interchangeably with orange peels but have a more subtle scent. They can be used for a less intense but equally effective cleaning solution.
  6. Bergamot Peels: A less common citrus fruit, bergamot has a unique floral-citrus aroma that can elevate the scent profile of your homemade cleaning solutions.
  7. Pomelo Peels: Pomelo, being a large citrus fruit, can offer a good amount of peel for large cleaning batches. It has a sweet and tangy aroma that can add freshness to any room.
  8. Pineapple Peels: Not as common for cleaning purposes, but the enzymes found in pineapple peels can help in breaking down stains, especially organic ones like fruit juices or wine.
  9. Apple Peels: While not as potent as citrus peels, apple peels can be boiled to create a cleaning solution that helps in lifting dirt from surfaces, coupled with a mild and pleasant scent.
  10. Banana Peels: These can be used for polishing surfaces, especially silverware and leather shoes, due to their natural oils.

Usage Tip: For most cleaning solutions, pairing fruit peels with white vinegar or distilled water can increase the efficacy of the cleaner. Vinegar, being acidic, can help in breaking down mineral deposits and soap scum, while the fruit peels contribute their natural cleansing properties and pleasant aromas.

Remember to always test a small hidden area before using any natural cleaner on delicate or sensitive surfaces, as the acid in citrus peels may not be suitable for all materials.

Potpourri & Deodorizers

Dry out a mix of citrus peels, apple peels, and other fragrant fruit peels. Add some spices like cinnamon sticks or cloves, and you have a homemade potpourri.

Alternatively, simply place citrus peels around the home (e.g., in the refrigerator or closets) to neutralize odors.

For your containers, you can use things like glass mason jars or small glass vases that will allow you to display your potpourri.

Skin Care

Fruits like papaya and bananas have peels that contain enzymes and antioxidants beneficial for the skin.

A swipe of the inner side of a banana peel can soothe mosquito bites, reduce pimple redness, or even improve minor rashes.

Here’s an expanded look at how various fruit peels can be harnessed for skincare.

1. Natural Exfoliation: Many fruit peels contain enzymes and natural acids that offer gentle exfoliating properties. For instance:

  • Papaya Peel: Contains the enzyme papain, which can dissolve dead skin cells, helping to clear the complexion and soften skin.
  • Pineapple Peel: Contains bromelain, another enzyme known for its ability to gently slough off dead skin cells and brighten the complexion.

2. Combat Acne: Certain fruit peels have antibacterial properties that can be beneficial for acne-prone skin.

  • Orange Peel: Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, orange peels can help to reduce inflammation and combat bacteria, reducing acne outbreaks.
  • Banana Peel: The antimicrobial properties in banana peels can assist in soothing inflamed skin and reducing acne.

3. Skin Brightening: The presence of vitamins, antioxidants, and natural acids in fruit peels can provide skin brightening effects.

  • Lemon Peel: Contains citric acid and vitamin C, both of which can lighten dark spots, even out skin tone, and enhance overall skin brightness. However, lemon can be photo-sensitizing, so it’s essential to wear sunscreen after any treatment involving it.

4. Moisturizing and Anti-Aging:

  • Avocado Peel: This peel is rich in natural oils and antioxidants, providing excellent moisturizing properties. It’s especially beneficial for dry skin types.
  • Apple Peel: Contains antioxidants like quercetin, which can help in fighting premature aging and promote a youthful complexion.

Fertilizers and Pest Repellents

Crushed eggshells and banana peels can be buried in garden soil to provide plants with essential minerals. Orange peels can also be sprinkled around plants to keep away certain pests like ants.

Flavored Infusions

Citrus peels can be used to add zest to oils, vinegars, or alcoholic spirits. For instance, lemon-infused olive oil or orange-infused vodka can be made by letting the peels steep in the respective liquids for a few days to weeks.

Natural Sponges

The rough texture of some fruit peels, like melon or avocado, makes them effective for scrubbing pots and pans. It’s an eco-friendly scrubber thatโ€™s biodegradable.

Shoe Polish

Banana peels contain natural oils that can give shoes a quick shine. Simply rub the inside of a banana peel onto the shoe and buff with a soft cloth.

Fire Starters

Dried citrus peels are great for starting fires as they burn slower than paper. Their natural oils make them flammable, plus they add a pleasant aroma when burned.

Flavor Enhancer

Boiling peels from fruits like apples or pears can make a fragrant tea or base for soups. The zest from citrus peels is also used in baking and cooking for an added punch of flavor.

Brewing a Fragrant Elixir: Fruit Peel Teas

  1. Apple and Pear Peel Tea: Both apple and pear peels are aromatic, and when boiled, they release a delicate fruity essence into the water. This can be drunk as a light tea or used as a base for more elaborate drinks, including punches or cocktails. For added flavor, consider infusing the brew with cinnamon sticks, star anise, or cloves.
  2. Citrusy Twists: Boiling peels from oranges, lemons, or grapefruits can result in a tangy tea. This can be sweetened with honey or maple syrup, or given an herbal touch with mint or rosemary.

Also read: How to use beets in recipes

Soup Bases with a Twist

  1. Apple or Pear Peel Broth: Instead of using just water or vegetable stock, a broth infused with apple or pear peels can impart a subtly sweet note to soups. This is particularly complementary in butternut squash soup, carrot soup, or even a rich pumpkin bisque.
  2. Citrus Infusion: The zesty nature of citrus peels can bring a refreshing undertone to clear soups or broths, especially those with seafood like shrimp or fish.

Zest in Baking and Cooking

  1. Lemon Zest: This classic addition can elevate a range of dishes, from lemon muffins and cookies to pasta sauces and risottos. Its tangy and fragrant profile enhances the overall taste and aroma of dishes.
  2. Orange Zest: Incorporating orange zest can add a sweet and citrusy punch. It’s a favorite in desserts like orange pound cake, chocolate-orange truffles, and even savory dishes like duck ร  l’orange.
  3. Lime and Grapefruit Zest: These offer a more intense citrus kick. Lime zest can be sprinkled on tropical fruit salads or mixed into guacamole, while grapefruit zest can be a unique addition to salads or desserts.

Preserve Brown Sugar

Adding an apple peel to your container of brown sugar can help prevent it from clumping and hardening.

Closing Thoughts

Nature is incredible in its design, offering multiple uses for nearly everything. Fruit peels are no exception.

So, the next time you enjoy a fruit, think twice before discarding the peel. Whether it’s for cleaning, beauty, or flavor, these skins have much to offer. Remember, itโ€™s not just about reducing waste but also about discovering the untapped potential in everyday items.