What’s the best substitute for white chocolate?

Are you looking for a delicious alternative to white chocolate? Perhaps you’re baking delicious cookies and ran out of white chocolate, so what can you use instead?

If youโ€™re looking for something that has the same creamy texture and sweetness of white chocolate, but without the cocoa butter, then look no further!

Milk chocolate or dark chocolate are the best substitutes for white chocolate because they give the same sweet and creamy texture, but with a richer chocolate flavor. Just make sure to melt them down and mix with some cream to get the right consistency.

There are plenty of great substitutes out there that can satisfy your sweet tooth. From vegan-friendly options like coconut cream or nut butters and butterscotch chips to dairy-free alternatives like carob chips or honeycomb candy, there is sure to be something that will fit your needs.

What is white chocolate made of?

White chocolate is made from cocoa butter, milk solids, sugar, and other ingredients like artificial flavors (i.e vanilla) and sometimes lecithin. It’s actually not real chocolate because it doesn’t contain any cocoa solids. That’s why it has a creamy, sweet flavor, and light yellow color.

Here are some great white chocolates to try:

  1. Milka (Germany) Weisse Schokolade (White Chocolate)ย 
  2. Milkboy Swiss White Chocolate Bars – Gourmet Bourbon Vanilla Chocolate Bars

The texture is slightly different from milk and dark chocolate, but it can still be used to make delicious treats. Just remember to melt it down and mix with some cream to get the right consistency for baking.

No matter what substitute you use for white chocolate, just remember that flavor and texture can vary from product to product, so make sure to adjust the amounts as needed.

Best substitutes for white chocolate

In this section, I share the best substitutes for white chocolate and the substitution ratios for each so you can use them in the same way you would regular white chocolate in your recipes.

Milk chocolate

Milk chocolate is good for replacing white chocolate. It has a creamy texture like white chocolate and taste sweet, but with a richer flavor.

Of course milk chocolate has a different brown color than white chocolate, so it might change the look of your recipe.

Try Lindt CLASSIC RECIPE Milk Chocolate Bar

To use it instead of white chocolate, melt it down and mix with cream to get the right consistency. The ratio is 1:1 when using milk or dark chocolates as a substitute for white chocolates.

Dark chocolate

Just like milk chocolate, dark chocolate is also a great substitute for white chocolate. It tastes richer and has more of the flavor associated with traditional chocolates.

Trader Joe’s Belgian Dark Chocolate Bars 3 Variety Pack

To use it as a substitute, melt the chocolate and mix with cream for the right consistency. The ratio is also 1:1 when using dark chocolate as a substitute for white chocolates.

Unsweetened chocolate

Unsweetened chocolate is a great way to get the same creamy texture and sweetness of white chocolate without added sugar. It also has a richer flavor than white chocolate.

To use it as a substitute, melt down the unsweetened chocolate and mix with cream to get the right consistency. The ratio is also 1:1 when using unsweetened chocolate as a substitute for white chocolates.

Try Baker’s Unsweetened Chocolate Premium Baking Bar with 100 % Cacao

The thing about unsweetened chocolate is that you might have to add sugar or another sweetener to your recipe to get the same sweetness as white chocolate.

Bittersweet chocolate

Bittersweet chocolate is a great substitute for white chocolate. It has the same creamy texture and sweetness, but with some extra depth of flavor thanks to the cocoa solids. It’s made of chocolate liquor, cocoa butter and sugar and used mostly for baking.

Try GHIRARDELLI 60% Cacao Bittersweet Chocolate Premium Baking Chips

To use it as a substitute, melt down bittersweet chocolate and mix with cream to get the right consistency. The ratio is 1:1 when using bittersweet chocolate as a substitute for white chocolates.

Butterscotch chips

Butterscotch chips are great for replacing white chocolate in recipes. They have a sweet, buttery flavor and creamy texture that is similar to white chocolate.

Try NESTLร‰ TOLL HOUSE Butterscotch Morsels

To use them as a substitute, simply replace the white chocolate with an equal amount of butterscotch chips. The ratio is also 1:1 when using butterscotch chips as a substitute for white chocolates.

The texture and flavor of butterscotch chips will be slightly different from white chocolate, so you might have to adjust the other ingredients in your recipe accordingly.

Coconut cream (vegan)

If you’re looking for a vegan alternative to white chocolate, coconut cream is a great choice. It has a creamy texture and sweet flavor that can easily be used as a substitute for white chocolate.

To use it as a substitute, melt down coconut cream and mix with other ingredients like sugar and cocoa powder to get the right consistency. The ratio is 1:1 when using coconut cream as a substitute for white chocolates.

Try: Thai Kitchen Gluten Free Unsweetened Coconut Cream

Coconut cream can have slightly different flavor and texture than white chocolate, so make sure to adjust the other ingredients in your recipe accordingly.

Coconut cream is made of coconut milk, sugar and sometimes cocoa powder. It’s dairy free and vegan making it a great alternative for those who are following special diets.

Nut butters

You can use nut butters like peanut butter or almond butter as a substitute for white chocolate.

They have a creamy texture and sweet flavor that are similar to white chocolate but of course there’s that nutty taste that’s different from white chocolate.

To use them as a substitute, simply replace the white chocolate with an equal amount of nut butter. The ratio is also 1:1 when using nut butters as a substitute for white chocolates.

Nut butters can have slightly different flavor and texture than white chocolate, so make sure to adjust the other ingredients in your recipe accordingly.

Carob chips (dairy-free)

If you’re unfamiliar with carob chips, they are a great substitute for white chocolate. They have a sweet, creamy texture and taste that is similar to white chocolate, but without the dairy.

Try: Chatfieldโ€™s All Natural Carob Chips

Carob chips are made from roasted carob, sugar and cocoa butter. To use them as a substitute, simply replace the white chocolate with an equal amount of carob chips. The ratio is also 1:1 when using carob chips as a substitute for white chocolates.

Carob chips can have slightly different flavor and texture than white chocolate, so make sure to adjust the other ingredients in your recipe accordingly.

Honeycomb candy

Honeycomb candy or seafoam candy is a great dairy-free option to use as a substitute for white chocolate. It’s made of sugar and honey and has a crunchy texture and sweet flavor that is similar to white chocolate.

Try: Seafoam Honeycomb Sponge Candyย 

To use it as a substitute, melt down honeycomb candy and mix with other ingredients like sugar and cocoa powder to get the right consistency. The ratio is 1:1 when using honeycomb candy as a substitute for white chocolate.

In terms of flavor, honeycomb candy is slightly sweeter and lighter than white chocolate, so make sure to adjust the other ingredients in your recipe accordingly.

Final thoughts

There are many different options for substituting white chocolate in recipes. From butterscotch chips and coconut cream to carob chips and honeycomb candy, there are plenty of dairy-free, vegan and even gluten-free options to choose from.

No matter which one you choose, make sure to adjust the other ingredients in your recipe accordingly so that you can get the best possible results. Good luck!